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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Approval Process in Nepal

1. Governing Laws of foreign direct investment in Nepal:

The article provides the general overview of procedure of establishment of Company through  FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in Nepal.


The major law governing foreign investment in Nepal are as mentioned:


2. Approval Authorities for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Nepal:

Foreign investment is subject to approval. Following are the authorities that provides FDI approval based on the investment amount:

Investment AmountApproving Authority
For NPR 6 billion or LessDepartment of Industry (“DOI”)
Above NPR 6 billion and Hydropower project more than 200 MWInvestment Board of Nepal (“IBN”)


Note:Prior to NRB by Laws that came on 8 June 2021, NRB approval for foreign investment was required before injecting the investment amount in Nepal. Currently such approval is waived. However, the waiver is conditional, the NRB approval is required in case of investment through share purchase.


3. Permissibility of Foreign Direct Investment :

Foreign Investment is not permissible in every business. Following two conditions has to be fulfilled for the permissibility of FDI Companies in Nepal: 

FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) Approval Process in Nepal



4. Industry where foreign investment is not permissible in Nepal :

Following are the industrial sector where foreign investment is not permissible: 


  • Poultry farming, fisheries, bee-keeping, fruits, vegetables, oil seeds, pulse seeds, milk industry and other sectors of primary agro-production;
  • Cottage and small industries;
  • Personal service business (hair cutting, tailoring, driving etc.);
  • Industries manufacturing arms, ammunition, bullets and shell, gunpowder or explosives, and nuclear, biological and chemical (N.B.C.) weapons; industries producing atomic energy and radio-active materials;
  • Real estate business (excluding construction industries), retail business, internal courier service, local catering service, moneychanger, remittance service
  • Travel agency, guide involved in tourism, trekking and mountaineering guide, rural tourism including homestay;
  • Business of mass communication media (newspaper, radio, television and online news) and motion picture of national language;
  • Management, account, engineering, legal consultancy service and language training, music training, and computer training; and
  • Consultancy services having foreign investment of more than fifty-one percent.


5. Procedure of foreign direct investment (FDI) approval in Nepal:

The procedure of foreign investment approval is mentioned herein:


  • Step 1: Obtaining the Foreign Investment Approval from DOI or IBN

  • Step 2: Registration of company at Office of the Company Register

  • Step 3: Tax Registration at Inland Revenue Office

  • Step 4: Business Registration at Local Ward  Office

  • Step 5: Obtaining the recommendation letter from the Local Ward Office for Industry Registration

  • Step 6: Registration of industry before the Department of Industry.

  • Step 7: Obtaining the "non-black certificate" from the Credit Information Bureau

  • Step 8: Opening the local bank account of the company

  • Step 9: Recording the investment amount before NRB


The graphical represenation of the above steps is outlined as below:


  • FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) approval process in Nepal


6. Minimum Capital Requirement for Foreign Investment in Nepal :

The minimum capital required for obtaining foreign investment approval has been fixed as NPR 20 million (Approx. USD 153846).


7. Required Documents for FDI :

Following are the documents required for registration of FDI Company in Nepal: 

1.Company incorporation certificate, Memorandum of Association, and Article of Association of Investor (Notarized)
2.Copy of Passport in case of Individual Investor (Notarized)
3.Company profile of the investing company (Bio Data in case of an individual investor)
4.Copy of Passports of all the Directors and shareholders of the Investor (Notarized)
5.Copy of passport/citizenship of Investor’s authorized representative (Notarized)
6.Project report for the operation of a local subsidiary company
7.Schedule for investment in the industry
8.Financial Credibility Certificate (FCC) of Investor issued by a local bank in the home country
9.Latest audit report of Investor (Notarized)
10.Resolution of Investor for investing in Nepal
11.Signed company profile of the Investor
12.Power of attorney authorizing individuals to complete the approval and registration process
13.Joint Venture Agreement in case of two or more than two investors


8. Timeline for FDI approval process:

The overall time period for the registration of foreign direction investment in Nepal takes about three to five (3 to 5) months.


9. Government Fee Applicable for FDI Approval Process:

Government fee applicable for FDI approval in Nepal is as mentioned;


S.N.ParticularsGovernment Fee
1.Guarantee amount to be deposited at DOINPR 20,000 (Approx. USD 155)
2.Government fee for Company RegistrationDepends on the authorized capital of the company which is mintoined in below table ( For both public and private company)
3.Business Registration at Ward OfficeNPR 5,000 to 15,000 per year (Approx. USD 38 to 115).
Note: The business registration fees are specific to each local level.
4.House Rent Tax10% of the house rent amount per month.
(Please note house rent rates depend on each local level and are subject to change every fiscal year).



Government Fee for Private Company Registration

The government fee that is required to be paid for registration of private company at Office of Company Registrar is as mentioned:


S.N.Amount of Authorized Capital (in NRs.)Registration Fee (in NRs.)
15,00,001 to 25,00,0009,500
225,00,001 to 1,00,00,00016,000
31,00,00,001 to 2,00,00,00019,000
42,00,00,001 to 3,00,00,00022,000
53,00,00,001 to 4,00,00,00025,000
64,00,00,001 to 5,00,00,00028,000
75,00,00,001 to 6,00,00,00031,000
86,00,00,001 to 7,00,00,00034,000
97,00,00,001 to 8,00,00,00037,000
108,00,00,001 to 9,00,00,00040,000
119,00,00,001 to 10,00,00,00043,000
1210,00,00,00030 Per Lakh


Government Fee for Public Company Registration


The government fee that is required to be paid for registration of public company at Office of Company Registrar is as mentioned:

S.N.Amount of Authorized Capital (in NRs.)Registration Fee (in NRs.)
1Up to 1,00,00,00015,000
21,00,00,001 to 10,00,00,00040,000
310,00,00,001 to 20,00,00,00070,000
420,00,00,001 to 30,00,00,0001,00,000
530,00,00,001 to 40,00,00,0001,30,000
640,00,00,001 to 50,00,00,0001,60,000
7Above 50,00,00,0003000 Per Lakh



10. Timeline for injecting the foreign investment amount in Nepal 

FERA has categories 3 stages of timeline to inject the foreign investment amount. The schedule of investment as mentioned: 

StagesDetailsPercentage of Injection of Investment
Stage IWithin 1 year of receiving the investment approval:Depends on the amount of investment
Minimum investment amount i.e. NPR 20 Million25%
20 to 250 million NPR15%
250 million NPR to 1000 Million10%
Stage 2When the company starts production or does start the commercial transactionUp to 70% of the investment amount
Stage 3After 2 years of production or commencement of transactionRemaining 30% of the investment amount


11. Sector Approval

Certain regulated businesses are also subject to additional business specific approvals or licenses for the commencement of their business activities even after getting FDI approval. Licensing/Approval requirement depends on the nature of business of company. Following are some business which requires additional specific approval before commencement of business activities:

S.N.Nature of BusinessInstitution to Grant License/Approval
1.CollegesAffiliated University
2.Insurance CompanyNepal Insurance Authority 
3.Bank and Financial InstitutionNepal Rastra Bank
4.HydropowerDepartment of Electricity Development
5.Travels and TrekMinistry of Tourism, Culture and Civil Aviation
6.Food IndustriesDepartment of Food, Technology and Quality Control
7.Business related to telecommunicationNepal Telecommunication Authority


12. Capping of Foreign Investment:

Foreign investors can invest 100% of ownership in local subsidiary companies. However, for few sectors the domestic law restrict investment through investment capping which are as mentioned:

SectorInvestment Percentage Ratio
Banking and Financial InstitutionMinimum 20% and Maximum 85%
Insurance Companies80%
Consultancy Business51%


13. Post investment compliances for FDI Company in Nepal :

Following are the main compliances that FDI company has to do after the FDI approval process:

  • Submission of 3 months compliance document before OCR, 
  • Recording of investment at NRB,
  • Submit Annual Compliance Document at OCR, 
  • Compliance with Companies Act, Labor Act, Tax Law and other applicable law of Nepal during the operation of the local subsidiary company.


14. Repatriation of foreign investment in Nepal :

A foreign investor is allowed to repatriate the following:

  • Earnings through dividend or through sale proceeds against investment in shares, 
  • Compensation and Indemnity, 
  • Sale Proceeds upon Share Transfer, 
  • Returns of Capital at the Time of Liquidation, 
  • Technology transfer fees, royalty and license fees that have been earned through technology transfer and 
  • Lease rent under lease financing.


The investor has obligation to show that all local subsidiary company have complied all the laws, obtained all the necessary approval, pay tax and compiled with all the obligation before repatriation. Approval from DOI or IBN and NRB approval is required before repatriation. Investor can repatriate the investment and earning in the same currency or in other convertible foreign currency. 


Related Article Link: 
Please click the article published at our law firm website, which are related to the above article topic: 
Registration of Company in Nepal 
Branch Office Registration Process In Nepal
Liaison Office Registration Process in Nepal
Registration of Company Not Distributing Profit in Nepal


Date of Publication:18 August 2023 


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