Bhandari Law and Partners is one of the leading law firm working on sector of construction arbitration and disputes. The law firm has the best team of contraction arbitration and disputes lawyers in Nepal . Our team has advised clients on largest and most complex engineering and construction project having high value and often multi-jurisdictional disputes through litigation, arbitration, adjudication, disputes boards and other alternative forms of dispute resolution such as mediation. Our attorneys have in-depth experience in the construction and engineering industries.
We represent wide range of the clients including multinational corporations, international and domestic developers, contractors, subcontractors, engineering firm, architects, supplier, lenders, governments and state-owned entities as well as construction professionals. Furthermore, our experience covers all the major sectors including road projects, water projects, energy projects, renewables and commercial property.
Our lawyers in Nepal represent on broad issue related to construction dispute including:
1. Bid protests and other procurement disputes,
2. Wrongful termination,
3. Breach of contract,
4. Breach of warranty,
5. Design and construction defects,
6. Negligence in construction,
7. Errors and omissions,
8. Disputes over claiming the performance bank guarantees,
9. Dispute between contractor and subcontractor,
10. Claims for additional costs,
11. Bank Guarantee Dispute,
12. Variations and changes,
13. Delay and disruption,
14. Insurance converge and claim disputes
15. Liquidated damages etc.
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