Intellectual Property Law

Best law firm in Nepal

Intellectual Property Law

Bhandari Law and Partners is one of the leading law firm in Nepal working on sector of Intellectual Property Law. Nepal is the signatory member of Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883 and Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 1886 and the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, 1995 and also the member country of World Intellectual Property Organization. Copyright Act of Nepal 2002(2059) and Patent Design and Trademark Act, 1965(2022) are the major law governing Intellectual Property Right in Nepal.

The law firm assist the clients in registration and renewal of patent, design, trademark and copyright in Nepal. Further the law firm have experience on drafting and review of franchise agreement, technology transfer agreement and other IP related agreement. The law firm also represents the clients in IPR cases before Department of Industry, High court and Supreme court of Nepal. The team member of the firm has inadept understanding in regard to the investigate on counterfeit products, initiate the case against the infringement and provide advice on protection of IPR rights.

In sum we do provide the following service:
i) Provide advisory service on protection of IPR rights in Nepal,
ii) Registration and renewal of Patent, Design and Trademark before Department of Industry in Nepal,
iii) Drafting and review of Franchise Agreement, Technology Transfer Agreement and other various IPR agreements,
iv) Represent the IPR infringement disputes,
v) Assist on investigation of counterfeit product and
vi) Prepare Legal Due Diligence Report on IPR matters.
